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Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!

01 Jul 2022

In celebration of NAIDOC Week 2022, we are shining a spotlight on one of our ActiveKIT funded projects kicking major goals in remote Queensland Indigenous communities.

ActiveKIT  funding is backing the QRL, with the support of the NRL, to travel across the state and provide rugby league education and training opportunities to some remote communities in Palm Island, Woorabinda, Cherbourg, Wujal Wujal, Coen and Lockhart River. The communities have been exemplifying this year’s NAIDOC Week theme: Get up! Stand up! Show Up!

This project links the QRL’s Reconciliation Action Plan, Strategic Plan and Diversity and Inclusion Framework by delivering a physical activity participation program that supports better health and wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities.  The project provides opportunities for people to become more physically active in a safe and controlled environment.

The QRL’s vision is to unite, excite and inspire people to create communities that are deeply connected to the game of rugby league. So far, the program has been exceeding this brief. The communities have been able to build capacity and capability and the platform has been laid for them to continue to be active into the future.

Below are the number of community representatives who have attended accreditation courses as part of the program:

Level Community representatives
Level 1 Sports Trainer27
Foundation 1 Referee36
Community Coach37

The League Tag Program in Coen has seen major success. The program is run by the local community with support from the Coen Regional Aboriginal Corporation. The program has been embraced by the local community with over 100 community members turning up to watch and participate in the game and community BBQ on the opening night – that’s about one third of the town’s population!

General Manager of Coen Regional Aboriginal Council Lucretia Huen said “League Tag has been great for our community because it is a sport that can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of their playing experience or fitness level. The program has brought about a sense of unity and inclusion; if you are not playing, you can still enjoy the evening by watching the games.”

Wujal Wujal, Coen and Lockhart River have been able to use their accreditations to re-enter rugby league competitions across the Cape for the first time since the pandemic. The success of the Coen program has led all the communities, in particular Palm Island, to work towards community driven League Tag Programs of their own.

State Strategy Manager for the QRL Scott Nosworthy highlighted the importance of these funded programs for the game of rugby league in Queensland.

“Rugby League is the number one game of choice for Queenslanders but especially in our regional and remote communities. It is almost like a religion for some communities but the access and opportunity for people in these communities is limited by where they live. Programs like this provided through funding from the Queensland Government are an amazing opportunity to get the communities more involved in our game and all the communities have embraced this which is fantastic for everyone involved. This program has encouraged communities and community members to get up and active and I thank them for their commitment to the program so far.”